1.4. Eucaryotic cell structure

They are characterized by a core formed by a nuclear membrane, inside of which is the genetic material. The most important parts are:

  • Plasma membrane. Continuous layer that surrounds the cell and controls the exchange of substances with the outside
  • Cytoplasm. Contents of the cell located between the plasma membrane and the nuclear membrane. Comprises a liquid medium or cytosol, comprising water and soluble substances, where the sparse organelles.
  • Nucleus. Directs cell activity. Bounded by a double membrane with pores. It contains a liquid or nucleoplasm, where the nucleolus and chromatin
    • Nucleolus. RNA & Proteins. Involved in the formation of ribosomes
    • Chromatin. DNA and proteins. When a cell begins to divide and creates condensed chromosomes.

If you want to learn more…


Make a schematic drawing reproducing the structure of a eukaryotic cell. Paint each organelle with a different color and name. Try putting in a short, or an attached table, the function of each. CLUE

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